esthetics by emi med spa

vascular lesions

vascular lesions

Vascular lesions are a type of skin condition that can cause discoloration and irregularities on the surface of the skin. These irregularities may appear as dark or red patches, spider-like veins, broken capillaries, rosacea, or other types of discolorations. While vascular lesions are generally harmless aesthetically speaking, they can be difficult to cover up with makeup and lead to self-consciousness in those affected.

At Esthetics by Emi, we understand how important it is for our clients to feel confident in their own skin. That’s why we offer treatments specifically designed to treat vascular lesions. Our services focus on reducing the appearance of these blemishes while also improving overall skin tone and texture.

One of the most popular treatments we offer for vascular lesions is laser therapy. During this procedure, a high-energy beam of light is directed onto the skin to target and destroy the capillaries that cause discoloration. This helps to reduce redness and even out skin tone for a more even complexion. Laser therapy may require multiple sessions in order to deliver long-term results, but our clients have reported visible improvements after just one treatment session.

We also offer other treatment options at Esthetics by Emi such as carbon peels or radiofrequency microneedling. Peels work by applying an exfoliating agent to the skin that removes dead skin cells from the surface, revealing brighter, healthier looking layers underneath. Microneedling also helps to get rid of discoloration. This procedure involves using tiny needles to create micro-injuries on the skin, which triggers a healing response that produces collagen and elastin. Both chemical peels and microneedling can help improve the appearance of vascular lesions as well as other common skin concerns such as wrinkles or acne scars.

vascular lesions FAQ

What causes vascular lesions?
Is there any way to prevent vascular lesions?
What treatments are available for vascular lesions?

Vascular Lesions Treatments

radiofrequency microneedling

Radiofrequency microneedling works by delivering heat energy deep into the dermis layer of the skin using small needles.

laser skin resurfacing

Advanced cosmetic procedure that uses highly concentrated beams of light to correct a variety of skin imperfections.

carbon peel

A carbon peel is a type of facial that uses liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide to remove the outer layer of the skin.